OLE Controls Framework Samples ============================== The following samples are included in this Framework: 1. Circle ========= The most trivial of controls. This control has no property pages, and only draws a circle in it's window. 2. Button ========= this sample demonstrates a simple subclassed windows control and firing events on it. 3. FontColor ============ there is a known problem in OLE Automation which causes TypeInfo::Invoke to have some serious problems when operating on properties of types declared in imported type libraires. [ie, when a control imports STDTYPES, and then declares a font property of type IFontDisp **, there are problems] This control demonstrates how to get around this problem reasonably efficiently. Persistence of Fonts [and pictures, which are extremely similar] is also demonstrated. 4. Invisible ============ This is a simple invisible at runtime control that fires events. This control would make more sense as an automation object that fires events, but for those who require compatibility with Visual Basic 4.0, Access 95, and FoxPro 3.0, implementing it as a control is necessary. 5. Localize =========== This sample demonstrates the satellite DLL scheme of localizing your OLE control. The \French subdirectory contains a satellite DLL that can be compiled, and when used on french hosts, will correctly display local- ized strings. 6. AutoSample ============= Demonstrates a simple OLE Automation in-proc server created with the AutoWiz wizard. 7. WebBitmap ============ Demonstrates an Internet OLE control using URL Moniker support to download bitmaps and view them.